September 26, 2024
2 min read

Outseta Company Update - September 2024

New payment methods, a knowledge base redesign, and an integration with Toddle highlight Outseta's September update.

Geoff Roberts

New Feature! Accept new payment methods

Outseta now allows you to process payments using a slew of additional payment methods—including Apple Pay, Google Pay, bank transfers, iDeal, SEPA, and many other options. You can activate additional payment methods from within your Stripe account—relevant payment methods will then automatically display for users at checkout based on their location, the internet browser they are using, and other factors.

Redesigned Knowledge Base

We also recently completed a redesign of Outseta's knowledge base features. This includes updates to both the article authoring process, as well as your public facing knowledge base. The updates focus primarily on usability and updating the knowledge base to a cleaner and more modern design.

You can further customize your own knowledge base by going to HELP DESK > SETTINGS > KNOWLEDGE BASE—feel free to check out Outseta's knowledge base for some inspiration.

New Feature! End free trials and start paid subscriptions

Ah, those overzealous customers who want what you're offering so bad that they want to end their free trial period early in order to start their paid subscription... if only we could all have a few more of those!

Ending a free trial early to start a customer's paid subscription used to involve a bit of a hack—now there is an option directly within Outseta to make this update.

Disconnect a user from Google as their authentication method

File this one under "small changes," but it's an update that will make you that much more self sufficient. If a user signed up for your site using Google authentication then wanted to change to using and email address and password to login, previously you were a bit stuck. It required reaching out to us to clear Google as the authentication method for the user, so that they could then instead establish a password.

No more.

With this update you easily remove Google as the authentication method for any user, then send them a temporary password so that they can login with an email address and password instead. This option is available in the "Security" section of your People records as shown below.

Life Profits Podcast

If you've been following Outseta or reading our updates for while, you know that written posts like these have been the primary format in which we've chosen to share content and updates. Welp, we're trying a new format—podcasting!

Meet the Life Profits podcast.

I admit this is something of a personal interest project, but the topic is entrepreneurship so that likely makes it applicable to you, too. The idea behind the podcast is pretty simple—we measure entrepreneurial success today on a single measure; revenue!

While making money is certainly an important measure, it does feel very one dimensional to me. A lot of the most successful entrepreneurs I know are overworked, racked with anxiety, and actually are quite miserable. And in contrast, I know a lot of "less successful" entrepreneurs who have built businesses that contribute to them living amazing lives.

I believe the extent to which our entrepreneurial projects actually enrich our lives—and not just our bank accounts—is an important thing to consider. And I managed to get Adii Pienaar, another start-up founder who literally wrote the book on this topic, to co-host this podcast with me.

Here's the trailer if you'd like to check it out and subscribe.

I hope this project helps you get to know some of the people behind Outseta that much better—let us know if you like it and we'll keep the episodes coming.

New Integration! Toddle's Outseta Package

Toddle is a newer entrant into the world of "no-code" or "visual development" tools. Their platform offers a collaborative programming environment for designers and engineers. Rather than handing over a Figma file that a developer needs to recreate, designers build directly in Toddle.

The feedback we've heard so far is that some builders absolutely love it—and there's an Outseta package if you want to use Outseta in your Toddle build.

We can't wait to show you what we're cookin' up next!

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