About US

We started Outseta with two goals in mind

Outseta dashboard showing user activity and billing information. The left panel includes navigation options such as Home, CRM, Email, and Help Desk. A detailed activity feed is displayed. On the right, graphs show metrics like monthly recurring revenue and subscriber count.

Our first goal is to build software that supports the core operational needs of an early stage membership business.

Software is supposed to improve efficiency, yet we observed early stage companies stitching together dozens of software tools in a way that was anything but. Today we offer our customers a proven set of tools to launch and scale their businesses more efficiently—with less software-induced chaos.

Our second goal is to prove there’s a better way to build a business.

We want to build a business that results in people who are more fulfilled in both their personal and professional lives. Outseta is very much an experiment in organizational design and purpose—we’re out to show what’s possible when you challenge “how business is done.”

How we work

Our approach to work is designed to keep our team small and the value we provide to our customers huge. We're often told it's a bit idealist, to which we say “Thank you!” Shouldn't it be?

Everyone is an owner

At Outseta, everyone earns equity in the business at the same rate as our co-founding team—and everyone else for that matter. There are no “classes” of stock, no restricted versus unrestricted options, no preferential treatment given to investors—no bullshit.

Purposely small and independent

We dream big, but prefer controlling our own destiny and working as a small team. We look for opportunities to do more with less and keep our team small and independent by design.

Standardized pay, flexible schedule

Everybody on our team can choose to work anywhere from one to five days per week—and we pay everybody based on a full-time salary of $210,000 per year. Issues of income inequality just flew out the window.

Life profits first

We are an ambitious team and want Outseta to be a big financial success—but your life is more important than our business. We want you to chase down whatever it is you want out of life, and we believe giving you the freedom to do so will actually help make our business more successful.


Self management is an organizational design that’s often known for being devoid of hierarchy; no bosses! While that’s true, we’ve embraced self management primarily to empower our team to make decisions autonomously.

We want the whole you

When we choose to work with someone, we’re welcoming the entirety of that person to our team—not just the parts of them that are convenient. We all face different challenges. These could be issues of discrimination, identity, mental health, physical health, anxiety, you name it.

We’ll bend over backwards to provide an environment where you feel safe, supported, and comfortable so that you can do your best work.

No budgets, forecasts, or performance targets

We think long term—perhaps the most significant way that this influences our work is we operate largely without budgets, forecasts, and performance targets. These are largely arbitrary measures that often come in conflict with what’s in the best long term interest of the business.

Fully remote, but we party in Greece

Our team is fully remote—always has been, always will be. The benefits and personal freedoms that remote work affords are too much to pass up. We value flexibility, but we honor our commitments to each other. Spending time with co-workers is fun and helps build trust—we get that! We plan trips to celebrate company milestones most often in the Greek Islands... but we reserve the right to plan events elsewhere.

Our stance on political or social issues

The issue of how companies should address political or social issues was thrust into the international spotlight in 2020. It’s an important topic—here’s our take:

  • We don’t push the agenda of any political party—but we will always advocate for issues of basic human rights.
  • Societal issues that affect our team, affect us. Period.
  • We’re willing to speak up when it’s the right thing to do—even if it’s unpopular and comes at the expense of profits.
  • We actively encourage people to vote with their wallets and will advocate for other organizations that similarly care about leaving the world better than they found it.

We invest in impact

We’re a small business and changing the world is a big task. We can’t fight every battle—that would be an impossible agenda— but we can certainly work to leave things better than we found them. We will.

We invest our time and a percentage of our profits into impact initiatives that our team cares about. What these projects are and how they’re supported will change over time based on the interests of our collective team.

Meet our team

We have to show up and work every day to deliver on the ideas that we’ve shared on this page. We believe that how we work matters—it’s a big part of the company that we aspire to be.

Dimitris is a software engineer and entrepreneur with a knack for scratching his own itch. Prior to Outseta he Co-founded Buildium, a product that he initially built to accept rent payments online from tenants he had living in a rental property.

Realizing the product he’d built for his own use might be helpful to others, he spent the next 15 years building the company. Buildium landed on the INC 5000 list of America’s fastest growing private ventures seven years in a row before being acquired by RealPage in December 2019 for $580M.

Dimitris enjoys skiing and windsurfing.

Geoff Roberts
Marketing, Co-founder

Geoff met Dimitris at Buildium where he led the marketing team as the company scaled from a start-up to $20M in revenue. He subsequently led marketing teams at a number of venture backed start-ups, before syncing back up with Dimitris to launch Outseta—the tech stack they wish existed back in the early days at Buildium.

Geoff worships at the feet of Tom Brady and enjoys traveling, eating, golfing, and the Boston Red Sox more than he probably should. He's also busy raising twin boys and trying his best not to grow up.

Dave Wong
Engineering, Co-founder

Before Outseta Dave worked with fellow Co-founder Dimitris at Sapient Corporation and also Co-founded of Form4Oracle, a subscription service that helps investors understand what company executives actually think of their companies by providing an insider sentiment ranking.

Nobody is more responsible for the product that Outseta is today than Dave. He's a full-stack developer that focuses on both back-end and front-end development at Outseta. When he’s not pumping out new features, he enjoys playing volleyball and golf.

James learned the basics of "graphic design" at Rhode Island School of Design, then spent the next decade trying to figure out how to apply those principles to the web (he's still working on it). He now leads design at Outseta.

He loves mountain biking in the warm months, surfing chilly waters in the winter (what, that's when the best east coast swells are!), and exploring Maine with his wife and daughter.

Bernard Chen

Bernard worked with Dave and Dimitris at Sapient, and later with Geoff and Dimitris at Buildium. Bernard led Buildium's engineering organization through eleven years of strong growth while also implementing secure and effective software development processes until Buildium was acquired by RealPage.

He is a full-stack developer who mostly focuses on back-end development and the performance and scalability of back-end processes at Outseta.

Bernard enjoys running and tennis.

Benedicte is a web developer who loves jamming on side projects with her piratical family. She has made apps trusted by the Swedish Armed Forces, The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, and others over the 15 years since she graduated with a Master of Computer Science from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

With a developer mom, she had free access to the Internet from an early age but was introduced to HTML and CSS by a teacher back in junior high. She has an alternate persona as Queen Raae of the Jamstack Pirates, focusing on the framework Gatsby as her primary dev tool.

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