The first few months of the year are always the busiest at Outseta, as so many people choose to launch new businesses. We've been extra busy this year, as we've seen an influx of new customers migrating to Outseta from Webflow's user accounts / membership features. All of that said, our product team has still managed to quietly ship some new stuff that we think you'll find useful.
Starting with our official announcement of a major new feature for anyone building with Framer...
New Feature! Framer Plugin
Meet Outseta's official Framer Plugin, bringing Outseta's feature set directly into Framer. The plugin was one of the first to launch in Framer's new marketplace—it's technically been available for a few months now, but this is our first time officially sharing it with you.
The plugin allows you to add Stripe payments, authentication, and Outseta's profile embed / customer portal directly from within Framer, in addition to setting up protected content. Leveraging the plugin also gives Framer builders access to Outseta's CRM, email, and help desk tools—effectively turning a Framer website into a full-fledged business.

You'd need an authentication tool, payment processing tool, and something like Hubspot in order to achieve comparable functionality. Shout out to Benedicte, who led the development of the plugin-end-to-end.
New Feature! Support ticket tags and prioritization

You've likely noticed that we made a series of small enhancements to Outseta support ticketing system, but the biggest update is the ability to "tag" support tickets. For example, you might want to create tags to identify questions that come into your support queue that are focused on "Sales" versus "Technical Support." By tagging these tickets appropriately, you can then filter your support queue to easily work your way through tickets that have a specific tag.
Most importantly, we've added an "Urgent" tag to all accounts by default. If this tag is applied to a ticket, the ticket will automatically move to the top of your support queue. Use this to ensure your most pressing tickets are visible and get prioritized above other issues.
New Tutorial! Monetize your Notion content
Dave Mence from Notion's Product Adoption team published a new video tutorial demonstrating how you can build a membership site with Notion, Super.so, and Outseta. It's really well done.
In the video, Dave walks you step-by-step through the process of setting up a membership site for his fictional winemaking academy—check out the SuperStack Winemaking Academy website here.
This is exactly the type of content that we're looking for members our Partner Program to create—if you have expertise in using a particular platform alongside Outseta, you can build a really nice recurring revenue stream by publishing content like this.
New Feature! Skip setup fees on plan changes
If a customer is changing plans between two plans that both have a setup fee, previously the customer would be charged the setup fee associated with the plan that they were changing to. There are instances where you might want to waive the setup fee when a plan change like this occurs, so that's now an option that can be configured.

New Feature! Churned accounts by age report
We've added a new report that gives you further insight into churn. Specifically, this report looks at paid accounts that churn within 3 months of sign up, between 3 and 12 months of sign up, and more than 12 months after sign up.
These periods are proxies for determining whether most of the churn in your business occurs early or late in the customer lifecycle. For example, churn that occurs within the first 3 months of sign up may be reflective of a problem onboarding new customers or members.
You can find this report on the REPORTS > BILLING page.

New Feature! Add email list opt-ins to checkout forms
While we've always allowed you to add users to Segments at sign up, we now also allow you the option of giving the user the ability to opt into a specific email list. For example, you may want to offer the users the ability to subscribe to your newsletter when they sign up for a membership—that sort of thing.

You'll find this option under the advanced sign up settings on the AUTH > SIGN UP AND LOGIN page.
New Notification! Account Subscription Cancellation Requested
We've added a new notification specific to when a user requests to cancel their subscription. This notification can be helpful in giving you the opportunity to reach out to a customer who might otherwise churn so you have an opportunity save the customer.

It's worth noting that many Outseta customers previously used our Account Stage Updated notification for this purpose—the difference is that notification will fire whenever any account stage is changed. As a result, you often had to filter out other account stage changes in order to only be notified of cancellations—this is a simpler solution.
You can configure this notification by going to SETTINGS > NOTIFICATIONS.
New Zapier Action! Retrieve Deal
We've added a new action to our Zapier integration that allows you to retrieve a Deal in Outseta based on an email address. This is broadly useful in Zaps where you want to update a Deal record for a user based on an email address passed in the subsequent steps of the Zap.

Thanks to Marc at Karisma Social Club for requesting this update!
That's all for this round of updates—as always let us know if you have questions or feedback!
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